Human Resources, Powered By Microsoft.
Concept: Demonstrate to working professionals how they can better use tools within the Microsoft Office suite. This series focuses on the Sydell Group as an example of a mulit-department company moving and growing in the professional landscape. This-day-in-the-life style approach showcases the responsibilities of Human Resource professionals, and how Office 365 can help them to do their job more efficiently.
Client: Microsoft Office365 Brand Studio
Director: Talia Green
Director of Photography: Jordan McGrath
Producer: Ashley Ball
ACD/Writer: Lauren Tree
Line Producer: Cheryl Ediss
Assistant Camera: Stephanie Guzman
Gaffer: Chris Plunkett
PA 1: Lauren Damaskinos
PA 2: Alejandro Cardona
Editor: Andy Seavor
Ast. Editor: Patrick Wright
Voice Talent: Anna Kasabyan